
Ben’s Senior Photos | Ontario, Oregon

I love it when someone I’m photographing suddenly says, “Oh! I have an idea!” It’s always a good thing. This October, Ben–a senior at Ontario High School–had a crazy idea I’d never even considered: make it look like there were several Bens in the same picture. I set up my camera on a flat surface in the grandstands at the Malheur County Fairgrounds and we took several shots of Ben standing (and doing all sorts of funny things) all around the seats. I stitched the frames together in Photoshop and the result was eight Bens in one image! Genius, right? All his idea. Scroll down and see if you can find all eight!

The fairgrounds turned out to be a great place for photos, especially since Ben is so heavily involved in FFA. We also found some cool places for pictures near the hospital, as well as in Beck-Kiwanis Park. Ben’s family came along for the adventure, and it was a lot of fun to have them join us. They had great suggestions, and I was delighted to add, “I was thinking that, too!” a number of times. Oh yeah, Ben also unicycles. How awesome is that?!


High school senior photo in Ontario, Oregon near St. Alphonsus hospital


High school senior photo in Ontario, Oregon near Lions Park


High school senior photo in Ontario, Oregon near St. Alphonsus hospital


High school senior photo in Ontario, Oregon near St. Alphonsus hospital


Photo of a high school senior sitting on a bench in Beck-Kiwanis Park in Ontario, Oregon


Photo of a high school senior sitting in the grass and autumn leaves in Beck-Kiwanis Park in Ontario, Oregon


Photo of a high school senior in Beck-Kiwanis Park in Ontario, Oregon


Photo of a high school senior in the rafters of a barn at the Malheur County Fairgrounds in Ontario, Oregon


Photo of a high school senior in a barn at the Malheur County Fairgrounds in Ontario, Oregon


Photo of a high school senior in a barn at the Malheur County Fairgrounds in Ontario, Oregon


Photo of a high school senior at the Malheur County Fairgrounds in Ontario, Oregon


High school senior photo outside the Red Barn at the Malheur County Fairgrounds in Ontario, Oregon
High school senior photo outside the Red Barn at the Malheur County Fairgrounds in Ontario, Oregon


Eight Bens:

Photo of a high school senior appearing eight times in the same shot, using Photoshop, at the Malheur County Fairgrounds in Ontario, Oregon


Just one Ben this time:
Photo of a high school senior at the Malheur County Fairgrounds in Ontario, Oregon


Photo of a high school senior at the Malheur County Fairgrounds in Ontario, Oregon


Photo of a high school senior at the Malheur County Fairgrounds in Ontario, Oregon


Photo of a high school senior riding a unicycle at the Malheur County Fairgrounds in Ontario, Oregon