
Frank & Elizabeth’s Family | Cleveland, Ohio

Family photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler

As part of my trip out to Erie, I also photographed Frank and Elizabeth’s family. Let me back up: I flew into Buffalo, New York for our roommate’s wedding, next I drove over to Erie, Pennsylvania where we all went to college together, and then took a day trip out to Ohio to spend the day with Elizabeth (whom we girls call Liz) and her family. Elizabeth technically wasn’t our roommate freshman year, but she might as well have been! The five of us did just about everything together. After I transferred to NNU, Liz and the other three roomed together all the way through senior year. So whenever I can come back to Erie, we all try to get together.

This trip, like with Amanda and Aaron, we worked family pictures into our plans! Frank and Elizabeth live between Cleveland and Erie, so it wasn’t out of the way at all. Remember, I live in Boise: if you want to go anywhere outside the area, you’re probably committing to a couple hours’ drive. It makes everything out east seem so close together!

Anyway, I’m thrilled that I could spend so much time with all these special friends. Besides, I met Frank and Elizabeth’s baby boy for the first time! I have to say, it was also a lot of fun hanging out with Frank and Justin, our roommate Sally’s husband, at the wedding a few days before. I haven’t had the chance to get to know them very well, so I’m thankful for that. Frank and Liz, thank you for allowing me to be a part of your family for the morning, and for your willingness to take a chance on pictures when the forecast predicted nothing but rain. I’m SO happy it worked out and that the rain didn’t come through until we were done! We’ll take a little wind over a downpour any day!

Family photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler

amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler

Little brother wasn’t too happy to be away from Mommy and Daddy. He was much more content to be held, so we just rolled with it!

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amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler

amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler

amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeleramily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler

Family photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler

amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler

amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler

amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler

amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler

amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler amily photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin WheelerOnce the kids were done, we let them inside to play (supervised, of course!). Then we took a few minutes to get some photos of just Frank and Elizabeth together. This is one of my favorite parts of photographing families: making sure Mom and Dad have pictures of just the two of them!

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