Frank & Elizabeth’s Family | Cleveland, Ohio

As part of my trip out to Erie, I also photographed Frank and Elizabeth’s family. Let me back up: I flew into Buffalo, New York for our roommate’s wedding, next I drove over to Erie, Pennsylvania where we all went to college together, and then took a day trip out to Ohio to spend the […]

Family photos in northeast Ohio | family pictures | Ohio photographer Robin Wheeler



Aaron & Amanda’s Family | Erie, Pennsylvania

While in Erie, Pennsylvania visiting friends from college, I went out to the Union City Dam with my friends Amanda and Aaron and their family. The late spring rains had finally let up and everything was green. Well, let’s be honest: compared to Idaho, Pennsylvania is beautiful and lush and green most of the year, […]

Union City Dam family pictures | Pennsylvania photographer Robin Wheeler



Jason & Anna’s Family | Payette Peach Orchard

Between wind, rain, and peach blossoms that took their time opening, Jason and Anna had every reason to say, “Forget it, it’s not worth it.” But they didn’t! We emailed back and forth for almost two weeks, watching forecasts, messaging the owners of the orchard, and postponing again. Jason and Anna were so gracious and […]

Fun and relaxed family portraits in a peach orchard with pink blossoms | Idaho family photographer | Robin Wheeler Photography



Best of 2018

This year has been crazy! It’s hard to believe all of these things have actually happened in 2018. For one, I HAD A BABY!! That, of course, has been an adventure all in itself, but it was especially crazy because we moved into our first house only ten days prior. Yes, ten days. As in […]

best of, Families, Seniors, Weddings


It’s Time for Fall Photos!

  It rained off and on, all day today! I originally had a session scheduled for this evening, but my clients had to reschedule last week. I suppose it’s a good thing it didn’t work out, because we would’ve been shooting in the rain! Although that isn’t a problem when you have an umbrella stash […]

Fall family pictures in a pear orchard near Payette, Idaho

Families, Seniors