I met Daniel and Ruthie less than three months ago. We got together in March to chat about their wedding. Then in April, I drove out to Baker City again to spend some more time with Daniel and Ruthie about a month before their wedding. Although they’d been planning their wedding for over a year, they were still […]
You know how we all like to joke with our trip-bound friends that we could fit in an extra suitcase and that they should bring us along? Well that actually worked once for Erin! Her friend was headed to Hawaii for a conference and Erin offered to carry her luggage for her. Only joking, of course. […]
Valentine’s Day always seemed like an odd holiday to me, growing up. Sure, I enjoyed the class parties that were pink and red themed (the more red, the better!) like anyone else. But since my birthday is less than a week away, I was too busy anticipating my party and the presents I would open. As I […]
Since it’s a short drive from downtown Payette, Idaho to Kiwanis Park, Dave and Shirley’s family opted to go to both locations for their family pictures. It was a cold and mostly cloudy day in early December, so everyone took turns jumping in and out of their coats. Somehow we made it work! I swear, […]
Two days after Thanksgiving, I met up with Gerry and Jaime’s family at Beck-Kiwanis Park in Ontario. It was just over two years since I photographed their family for the first time, back in 2014, in the same park! I’m always honored to have repeat clients. Naturally, we had to replicate one of their favorites […]