I Can’t Wait for Spring Flowers

The tulips and lilies in my front yard have started growing. That’s just about the only thing that’s truly convincing me it must be March. We’ve all seen piles of snow on the ground for so long that it’s hard to believe it isn’t still January. Or December. While we were driving around town, my […]

Raindrops on a pink tulip



New York + Ontario Trip

I’d always wanted to go to New York in winter. I guess I thought it’d be romantic, sitting on a park bench in a thick, wool coat, watching the tourists and taxis go by. I have no idea what I was thinking. Don’t get me wrong–I’m really glad I had the chance to return to […]

Standard photo of Brooklyn Bridge, New York City



Ring Shot Practice

January is generally a slow time for photographers, and I’m no exception. With a record snowfall frozen to the ground, I’ve been spending my time indoors…but not slacking off! Not only am I determined to keep fresh content on my blog this year, I want to spend my off season learning and practicing. Often during a wedding […]

Wedding rings with red bokeh all around



Christmas Cookies

Some friends made these beautiful cookies for us for Christmas. One morning the sunlight hit them just right and I couldn’t help but set up my highly sophisticated food photography studio (ha ha ha!). I hope you had a very Merry Christmas!



My Summer, part 2

Of course, I was doing more this summer than just taking trips and photographing plants. In May, I photographed high school senior Riley’s graduation and party (we also took quick family photos after the graduation ceremony). It was fun for me to do something different AND helpful. Riley’s family had enough on their hands! They told me I should […]

cakes at a payette high school senior's graduation party
