What to Wear for Photos: Red, White, and Blue

Dressing in layers is one of the great things about cooler weather, at least when it comes to photography. Starting with red, white, and blue outfits for summer, we’re going to add layers as we work our way through a few variations of this color theme. For these examples, I kept it simple with a family of four in […]

Coordinating red, white, and blue outfits to wear for family pictures in fall, featuring layers

Families, what to wear


Why NOW Is the Perfect Time for Family Portraits

October is a fantastic time for taking pictures here in the Treasure Valley, whether it’s family portraits, senior portraits, or even engagement photos. Why?   The weather is fabulous It’s not too hot, not too cold: you won’t be sweating profusely if you wear long sleeves (like in July, am I right?), but you don’t need a […]

Coordinating red, white, and blue outfits to wear for family pictures in summer

photo tips, what to wear


9 Dresses That Look Great in Senior Photos

Are you struggling to find a modest dress for your senior portraits? Here are nine for you to check out! Some have sleeves, some are sleeveless. Of course, you’ll want to try them on for yourself to make sure they’re not too low cut or too short for your individual figure. It’s hard to tell from a […]

Seniors, what to wear


What to Wear: Senior Girls

What’s a girl to wear for senior pictures? Is a t-shirt okay, or is a dress required? How many outfits should you bring, anyway? As a photographer, one of my goals to to take a large variety of photos. I take close-ups so you can choose one for the school yearbook (if they allow you to […]

Seniors, what to wear


What to Wear: Senior Guys

Figuring out what to wear for senior pictures can be tricky, especially if you’re a guy. I mean, most guys aren’t quite as obsessed with clothes the way that most girls are. Or having their picture taken. What looks good? What do you want? What if you don’t know what looks good or what you want? These […]

guys' outfits to wear for senior photos

Seniors, what to wear