This year has been crazy! It’s hard to believe all of these things have actually happened in 2018. For one, I HAD A BABY!! That, of course, has been an adventure all in itself, but it was especially crazy because we moved into our first house only ten days prior. Yes, ten days. As in a week and a half. We obviously didn’t plan that out so well, but we survived, thanks to plenty of help from our family and friends! Since I dealt with postpartum depression and anxiety after our oldest daughter was born, I planned to take plenty of time adjusting before returning to work. Although I didn’t experience depression or anxiety this time around (praise the LORD!!!), it was nice to ease back into things. However, life got busy quickly when my husband was overseeing the update to our church sanctuary’s lighting and sound system. Between baby sleep issues, a child starting school, and balancing everything on my own for up to 90 hours a week…it was a lot to handle!

I’m so grateful for our friends and family for stepping in to help out! I also want to thank all my amazing clients! This year I photographed the largest family group I’ve ever worked with (twenty-eight!), twice I traveled out of the Treasure Valley, and I shot mini sessions for the first time. I stayed in Ontario/Fruitland/Payette for many sessions, but I also went to Kathryn Albertson Park in Boise for the first time, the Boise Depot again (love that place, by the way), the new River Bottoms Ranch outside Salt Lake City, and Maysara Winery in McMinnville, Oregon. I’ve also had the pleasure of meeting SO many new people and wedding vendors this year–I even got to collaborate with Charlotte’s Weddings and More of Portland, which is where *I* purchased my wedding gown nine years ago! So exciting!

Again, thank you to everyone for your support and encouragement! It’s such a privilege to photograph the special people and moments in your lives. I’m so incredibly humbled and honored! Enjoy a few of my favorites from this year!


January and February were all about packing, moving, and praying I wasn’t going into labor yet! Early in March, our second daughter official joined our family! When our oldest daughter was born via c-section, I didn’t get to hold her for over an hour and a half after she was born. This time, though, I got to hold my baby right away, and it was everything I hoped it would be.

Robin holds her new baby

Here’s the little one after we’d been home a couple weeks.

My first family session of 2018 was in July! The weather was all over the place–windy, rainy, calm, then sunny! Everyone was so patient and willing to try whatever it took!

Extended family of twenty-eight!

Family photography in Ontario, Oregon

College senior photos! Something I've never done before!


Couldn’t resist to throw in one with a photo of my daughter (left) toward the end! She’s grown so much! Look at those little wisps of hair behind her ears–she has some sort of reverse mullet! It’s hilarious!

Thanks for stopping by! I’m looking forward to sharing more of my favorites from these sessions in the coming year!